Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Journal : What role for ICT in T&L Chemistry

Technological progress impacts on our everyday lives with an ever-increasing frequency and effect. How advances in technology might influence teaching and learning must be of special importance to us, as chemical educators. We need to plan carefully how we respond to these advances, if we don't just wish to allow ourselves to be swept along unthinkingly in the current of technological innovation. We need to adopt a proactive and informed attitude towards our teaching to make the most effective use of emerging technologies. We need to reflect carefully on our own teaching practices, preferably with the benefit of a conception of teaching and learning well informed by educational research.

This paper will consider several general questions related to the role of ICT in chemical education as that technology develops in the coming years. What might we look forward to? What will our students need to learn? What do we know about learning and how should we teach? How might we best use technology? The paper also includes examples of educational research concerning ICT and of some useful resources for the teaching of chemistry using ICT.


  1. guru kimia memang wajar menggunakan teknologi ict seperti 'live broadcast', video-on-demand dalam pengajaran kimia yang melibatkan konsep yang abstrak.pelajar akan dapat gambaran yang jelas dan senang faham.

  2. template yang baru ini rasa 'fresh' sungguh....

  3. ICT in Chemistry?Yes.Actually we are already
    starting to see how such as web,internet are changing our ideas about traditional education,distance education.Just in-time learning and the importance of life-long learning.I believe in the future,even Chemistry lab practice also may be don through ICT application!

  4. I’m totally agree with the journal. ICT makes the chemistry learning more interesting especially for hard-to-understand concept...
